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Update on the “Marvel Brothel”

In the second of the “popular posts with corrections from people who know more than I do about the topic” I got a note from the mind behind the great video game blog Electron Dance on the status of the Marvel Brothel.

He has a great review (with screenshots) of the game on his blog, and has an interview with the developer after he got the takedown notice.

I was told there was a place to download the game, and checking the link makes it appear to still be up. However, I’d rather not post the link directly here, just in case that is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, so please click through to the review on Electron Dance if you want to know where to find it.

Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.

Corporation, Inc.

Fun stuff! Yay! I’ve been playing a lot of time management games recently, in part because I like short levels with a lot of action. An awesome free online game that recently went up on Armor Games is the recursively named “Corporation, Inc.

It’s kind of like Sim Tower, except that you build your corporation to certain specifics, meeting goals and making the most efficient office building possible. You can hire workers, researchers, janitors, and other specialized employees, and you add amenities as needed. You start with a fairly limited budget, however, and the bonuses for completing tasks are substantial, so it’s worth it not to jump ahead of the goals as they appear. You don’t get credit for hiring a janitor if you already did so (at least, it appears that way). The other minor flaw I found during play is that the janitors occasionally get stuck taking elevator rides up and down the building, so they don’t actually clean up during the night.

Other than that, however, it’s kind of addictive, and a lot of fun, and the game autosaves at the end of each “day” so you can save your progress. Totally worth a look, even if it’s not quite your thing.

Posted in Friday: Game Review.

ADoM Update!

Much thanks go out to Thomas Biskup, the creator of the game Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADoM) in finding my little blog and writing me a note to correct an error I’d made regarding his game.

I’d thought there was a version that had extra features and cost money, but he gently chided me, saying that all current versions of ADoM are free, and that there *might* be a forthcoming version in 2011 that behaves like I described.

Apologies also for the typo in the title of that post, which I fixed in the actual title, but which remains as the permalink for search optimization reasons.

Posted in Wednesday: Current Issues.