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  1. Mark Waid and the Harvey Awards August 31, 2010

    Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.

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  2. THQ and Used Games August 30, 2010

    Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.

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  3. Grow Valley August 26, 2010

    Posted in Thursday: Media.

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  4. Starting a Company – The Paperwork August 26, 2010

    Posted in Make-Up Post.

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  5. Starting a Company, Part 2 August 25, 2010

    Posted in Wednesday: Current Issues.

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  6. So you want to start your own Game Development Company… August 24, 2010

    Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.

    rev="post-75" 1 comment
  7. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift August 20, 2010

    Posted in Friday: Game Review.

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  8. Diablo III August 19, 2010

    Posted in Thursday: Media.

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  9. Pii: Another Conference in Seattle! August 18, 2010

    Posted in Wednesday: Current Issues.

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  10. Wait…Machine? Transformation? What? August 17, 2010

    Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.

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  11. Does there have to be an app for that? August 16, 2010

    Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.

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  12. Breaking News: An App that turns your Video Game into a Comic August 13, 2010

    Posted in Make-Up Post.

    rev="post-67" 1 comment
  13. Abandonware-like: ADoM August 13, 2010

    Posted in Friday: Game Review.

    rev="post-64" 2 comments
  14. Not Abandonware…but Pretty Cool August 12, 2010

    Posted in Thursday: Media.

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  15. Abandonware: The Problem with Names August 11, 2010

    Posted in Wednesday: Current Issues.

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  16. Abandonware: The Problem of Ownership August 10, 2010

    Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.

    rev="post-61" 1 comment
  17. No Content Monday August 9, 2010

    Posted in Miscellaneous.

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  18. Abandonware: Halo 2600 August 6, 2010

    Posted in Friday: Game Review.

    rev="post-54" 1 comment
  19. Video Game Theme Songs…with added lyrics August 5, 2010

    Posted in Thursday: Media.

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  20. Abandonware: A Problem for Hosting Sites? August 4, 2010

    Posted in Wednesday: Current Issues.

    rev="post-52" 4 comments
  21. Abandonware: A Problem for Gamers? August 3, 2010

    Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.

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  22. Abandonware: An Overview August 2, 2010

    Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.

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