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Art for Two Hearts

And in yet another unlikely cross-over, we have today’s fan-art comparing the number of hearts the characters possess. (That’s the fez-less 11th Doctor with an eponymous and adorably drawn video game character.) Dig the teeny Tardis in the background.

2 hearts, is that all? by *pirpintine on deviantART

Posted in Friday: Fun Content.

Parody Video – Slytherin

Hey, so remember a while back there was a “Friday” parody called “Ravenclaw”? Well, the same people have created a new video called “We R Slytherin”. I may or may not have more of an affiliation with the House of Ravenclaw *cough*nerd*cough* but this song is still quite cute and bouncy. Enjoy!

Posted in Miscellaneous.

New York: A Game of Risk?

Some of you may be users of an application called FourSquare, which lets you check into locations and earn points and badges, and also see which friends are nearby. A group of users in New York have created an alternate version which turns the five boroughs into a giant game of Risk. Swear allegiance to one of the neighborhoods, then each time you check in at a location, it’s like you’ve placed a little plastic man in that corner of the “country”. An interesting way to get people more invested in using FourSquare, for sure, but will it overcome the concerns of people who don’t like sharing their physical location with the internet?

Posted in Wednesday: Current Issues.