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Arguments Today: Schwarzenegger v. EMA

By the time this post goes up, the Supreme Court will have already started hearing arguments in this case, about the regulation of video games by the state government. I’m not able to be in DC to give more direct commentary, but check out the SCOTUSblog for links and fairly up to date commentary on the Court itself.

After the arguments, the Court will consider the case, and can take up to a year to issue their opinion. Look for a lot more speculation from the press, the industry, and the government in the meantime.

I’ll be attempting to read most of the amicus briefs and looking at them with a neutral, critical eye, but daily life might get in the way. It might not. We’ll see, eh? 50/50 chance and all that. (Yes, I know that’s not how it really works.)

Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.

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Arguments for Schwarzenegger v. EMA Tomorrow

The SCOTUSblog has a great preview of the arguments we can expect to hear from both sides on their blog.

But in the meantime, why not check out this Oregon Trail remix, where you attempt to escape the zombie apocalypse in your station wagon?

(Click on the picture to play it on the developer’s website.)

Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.

Summary of WLA: Public Arts Contracts

Last night I went to the Public Arts Contracts Workshop hosted by the Washington Lawyers for the Arts at Seattle City Hall. Focusing on what goes into negotiating for a contract with a public agency, it was quite well done. Moderated by Katy Stone, an artist who has done public and private art commissions, the three panelists were:  Ruri Yampolsky, Director of the Public Art Program with the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs; Robert Kaplan, a Seattle-based attorney who has advised and represented numerous public artists on contract issues; and Cath Brunner, Director of Public Art 4Culture, a King County organization.

Much of the discussion was common sense, but with a level of detail that many artists don’t consider when submitting a bid for something that might take five years to build and be around for thirty. What happens if the price of steel goes up while you’re waiting for the construction phase to get to the point where you can add your artwork? Did you remember to build a buffer for your own fee? What about making sure your fabricators are also bound by the same terms you agreed to? Does the bid include the cost of insurance or legal advice? Who pays the taxes?

Next month there will be a follow-up, on Proprietary Rights, or what control does the artist have after the installation is complete? What IP rights do you have? What about moral rights? Find out the answers to these questions and more, on November 17th at noon!

Posted in Miscellaneous.