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Arguments for Schwarzenegger v. EMA Tomorrow

The SCOTUSblog has a great preview of the arguments we can expect to hear from both sides on their blog.

But in the meantime, why not check out this Oregon Trail remix, where you attempt to escape the zombie apocalypse in your station wagon?

(Click on the picture to play it on the developer’s website.)

Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. World Wide News Flash linked to this post on November 1, 2010

    Arguments for Schwarzenegger v. EMA Tomorrow ? Girl Gamer, Esq….

    I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…

  2. World Spinner linked to this post on November 1, 2010

    Arguments for Schwarzenegger v. EMA Tomorrow – Girl Gamer, Esq….

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……