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New Schedule for the New Year

I’m sure a lot of you can tell that I’ve been getting a bit burnt out updating this blog as much as possible, so I’m going to be scaling it back a bit in order to be able to keep it going, and not feel as pressured to create content every. Single. Day.

So at least for January, I’ll be posting on Monday and Wednesday with legal news and industry comments, and Friday with fun stuff! I’ll probably revisit or update a few of my posts from last year which had comments from people directly involved with the projects (people who wanted to correct my errors and comment on my opinions).

Thanks for reading, and I hope things stay awesome this year, too!

Posted in FAQ, Miscellaneous.

On Hiatus through January 3rd

Hello there!

I’ve been a bit caught up in real world things (moving, internet issues, etc.) so I haven’t been posting that frequently.

I’m going to be out of town most of the next two weeks, so I thought I’d make it official and let everyone know ahead of time, instead of just letting my silence speak for itself.

In the meantime, here’s the very special “Tron 1982 Christmas Special” from FunnyOrDie.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Interesting Legal Blog

Last week a friend pointed me to this blog called “Law and the Multiverse” which uses modern legal standards to analyze things such as whether Batman’s use of inventions might be harming Wayne Industries chance to obtain a patent on the technology, or whether superpowers would fall under the second amendment right to bear arms.

And interesting read, even if I don’t agree with it 100% of the time, but still something worth checking out.

Posted in Monday: Legal Landscape.