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Game of Thrones…the 8-Bit RPG?

Contains some Adult themes and major spoilers for the first book of the series/Season of the TV show.

Posted in Friday: Fun Content.

Tim Schafer pitches “New Game Concept”

Of course, the amusing part isn’t the idea that the creator of the Monkey Island games and Psychonauts (to name at least two of my favorite games of all times) would have to pitch a new idea…but the reaction of the “producer” controlling the funding.

And it’s true! Zombies are so 2007…

Updated: Found another source of the video…I think. Live as of 4pm 8/5/11.

Posted in Friday: Fun Content.

A Portal for Link?

I hesitate to make this blog focus mostly on examples of fan-based mash-ups of video games and other nerdly endeavors, but this concept combined two fan favorites into one adorable mash-up. What if there had been a Portal gun in Link to the Past?

Posted in Tuesday: Potpourri.