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Retro Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Trailer

Sadly, my laptop does not have the power to run the game that came out last week, but I’d no doubt be able to get this tribute to play…if it actually existed.

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Phoenix Wright – Objection!?

The Phoenix Wright series is an odd take on an “Attorney Video Game” but it is quite enjoyable once you get into it. The above video shows a clip from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and in that fighting game, some of Phoenix’s moves include throwing the book at his opponent, an assistant coming out to do damage on his behalf, and the “Objection!” word balloon doing actual damage. Not sure I’d buy the game, but the video looks interesting enough to hang out somewhere else and watch it for a bit.

Posted in Friday: Fun Content.

Class Video Project

Last year I graduated from an LL.M. program here in Seattle, where as part of one class we were asked to make a creative presentation from the point of view of someone affected by, but on the outskirts of, the Viacom v. Youtube litigation. I haven’t been able to source most of the clips used, but our video is online and can be found on YouTube.

Posted in Make-Up Post.